What I do

I investigate the status of an area of interest and ascertain if it is open for pegging.I help define the extent of the registered mines by logging the correct coordinates of the mining claims and represent the interests of prospective and active miners

Registration of Mines

My experience allows me to register mines.I have a firm understanding of how to manourvure goverment buerocracy to ensure the mine is registered quickly

Secure the ground

Establishing of permanent becons help to secure the land for other prospectors to notice

Geological Report

I have a team that can help in producing a geological report.That helps understand the resource on the ground and helping the owner to get funding where neccessary

Advisory Services

Take advantage of my years of experience to help you navigate the mining industry to establish your business the best possible way

Analysing maps

Understanding of maps is vital to ensure the right area is pegged, and to ensure that the area selected does not already belong to someone elsee

Management of Asset

Helping in structuring of the mine to help you have the best return on your investment