Approved Prospector
I studied and understand the the Mines and Minerals Act and approved by the Government of Zimbabwe to prospect and discover minerals for my clients.
I investigate the status of an area of interest and ascertain if it is open for pegging.I help define the extent of the registered mines by logging the correct coordinates of the mining claims and represent the interests of prospective and active miners
My experience allows me to register mines.I have a firm understanding of how to manourvure goverment buerocracy to ensure the mine is registered quickly
Establishing of permanent becons help to secure the land for other prospectors to notice
I have a team that can help in producing a geological report.That helps understand the resource on the ground and helping the owner to get funding where neccessary
Take advantage of my years of experience to help you navigate the mining industry to establish your business the best possible way
Understanding of maps is vital to ensure the right area is pegged, and to ensure that the area selected does not already belong to someone elsee
Helping in structuring of the mine to help you have the best return on your investment
Zimbabwe has a huge and highly diversified mineral resource base dominated by prominent geological features, namely, an exapnsive craton, widespread greenstone belts(also known as gold belts), the famous Great Dyke, Precambrian and Karoo basins and metamorphic belts.As a result of its goof geology, the country has huge mineral potential characterized by 60 economic minerals whose commercial profitability has been proven The Great Dyke is a layered igneous complex extending north-south for about 550km.The Great Dyke plays host to the world's largest high grade chromite resource base. Zimbabwe has the world's second largest resource of platinum group of metals as well as significant reserves of copper and nickel
About 60% of Zimbabwe’s land surface comprises an Archaean age basement known as the Zimbabwe Craton, which is dominated by granitic rocks locally enclosing remnants of volcanosedimentary piles known as greenstone belts. The greenstone belts are renowned for the rich variety of mineral resources, including gold, base metals and industrial minerals
Chrome ore occurs in two distinct geological environments namely the Great Dyke and the greenstone belts. Chrome reserves on the Great Dyke approximate 10 Billion tonnes. Zimbabwe is estimated to host over 80% of the world’s resource of metallurgical chrome, mainly on the Great Dyke with a chromic oxide range of 47% to 60% and chromium to iron ratios ranging between 2:2 and 4:1. Deposits hosted outside the Great Dyke occur in some ultramafic rocks of the Shurugwi, Mashava and Belingwe greenstone belts, and ultramafic bodies in the Limpopo Mobile Be
There are over 70 known deposits in Zimbabwe that have produced copper either as a primary or secondary product. The main producing area has been the Magondi Basin around Karoi, Mashonaland West Province, in an area stretching for over 150km. Similar copper deposits are found in the southeastern part of the country, Manicaland Province, in the Umkondo Basin. Several copper prospects also occur in greenstone belts across the country.
The geology of Zimbabwe is highly favourable for nickel occurrences. The country’s nickel sulphide endowment includes a variety of komatiite and mafic intrusion-hosted deposits. More than 30 deposits have been discovered to date. Other sources of nickel are the huge laterite nickel deposits on the northern part of the Great Dyke and oxide nickel deposits in several serpentinite areas in greenstone belts as well as igneous complexes around the country.
Zimbabwe has huge iron ore deposits associated with banded ironstone formations in greenstone belts. Major deposits are estimated to be over 30 billion tonnes of reserves. Some of the high-grade deposits are found at Buchwa and Ripple Creek, in the Midlands Province. Significant ironstone deposits include the huge Mwanesi deposit west of Chivhu and Nyuni near Masvingo. Manyoka and Mongula and several similar deposits in the Limpopo Mobile Belt also have huge potential.
Zimbabwe was ranked fourth in the World as a lithium producer in 1984. Nearly all production comes from the Bikita pegmatite of Archaean age, which is one of the largest lithium – bearing pegmatites in the world. Most of the Lithium has been produced from Archaeanpegmatites, although some amounts have been mined from pegmatites in the Proterozoic Zambezi Metamorphic belt around Kamativi
I am excited to help you achieve your financial goals through investing in mining, a lucrative industry
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